Angels and Eagles

A personal response to the constitutional change being forced on Norfolk Island by Australia. Will we lose far more than we gain?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I really need to place on record my concerns about today's "Forum" that has been organised by the Administrator at Rawson Hall.
1. It is yet another part of the process of bypassing our own Assembly and usurping their role.
2. The Commonwealth ad its representatives have not allowed the Norfolk people any say in the arrangements, the agenda, the facilitator, the format etc . It is THEIR show on THEIR terms(although it will surely be billed to us eventually)
3. The topics for "discussion" (chosen by them) are the result of an almost corrupt and onesided Joint Standing Committee process.
4. We are meant to discuss these issues when we have been given no details, no information, results of studies have been withheld from us, and our choices are very limited. Like telling a child they can choose the menu for a meal, and giving them the choice of Broccoli or brussell sprouts.
5. The Adminstrator has  made it clear that anyone who has already had access to the media - through letters to the paper, radio interviews etc is not welcome to participate or be heard.
6. I believe the Council of Elders is being "used" to give credibility to the exercise. Their views are extremely valuable, and on this occasion I feel they are being manipulated.
I will, of course, attend. And hope the Norfolk Islander can be heard loud and clear. And that the response and feeling of the meeting is reported fairly and honestly.
But let us face it - the only proper and fair way to record our views is through a fair and free plebiscite, which should take place after we have been properly and honestly informed of the issues, and are able to access all the facts we need.


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