Angels and Eagles

A personal response to the constitutional change being forced on Norfolk Island by Australia. Will we lose far more than we gain?

Saturday, April 01, 2006


It is probably hard for Australia to understand that Norfolkers are totally unimpressed by the carrots they dangle in front of us to persuade us that we would be better off under their system. It doesn't matter how many millions they promise to spend here, we think we already live in the best of all possible worlds. We don't envy another soul on this planet.
Norfolk Island is tailor made for Norfolkers......that is, the Pitcairners and the people who have come to settle because they like the Norfolk way of doing things. It doesn't matter how much Canberra consults and deliberates to design a model of government suitable for this island. Their model just will not fit. Because they do not come even close to understanding this island or its people.
Our visitors come closer to understanding. They tell us time and time again: "Do not let Australia come in. They will spoil this place. We envy your way of life."
This is a contented, busy, productive, vibrant society.
Early in the mornings, you will see all manner of people out walking, or swimming, or tending their gardens, or picking up rubbish along the road. They have something to get up for here!
During the day, you will see people gathering, chatting, laughing, interacting. You don't see anyone, young or old, just sitting round, sad and idle. Our senior citizens are active and productive into their later years, in their gardens, around their farms, in community work, and even in the paid workforce. Our young people are focussed, positive and courteous. Our children and our old people feel safe. Families and extended families are strong and supportive. You will rarely see any vandalism or graffiti.
Community organisations are well-supported. There is strong participation in sports and in arts and crafts. We know how to work hard and play hard. If you go to the Supermarket, you will see trolleys filled with consumables.
Rarely do you hear a complaint about our hospital or school. Quite the opposite....we are proud of both. Large numbers of people are connected to the internet. Some of our facilities may be on a small scale (as is appropriate for a small island) - but they are accessible to all.
Our homes and public buildings may not be ostentatious, but they are tidy and well-maintained. Our roads are excellent for a small semi-rural community. Large numbers of our people, young and old, own their own businesses, or reap the benefits of the tourist industry in some way. Our people are enterprising and resourceful.
There are some challenges living on small remote island. We have to catch our own water, and use it carefully. Our fuel and power costs are high, as are prices of some of our groceries. Sometimes the supermarket runs short of things. You can't "take off" for a weekend. If we get really ill, we may have to go to the mainland.There is no garbage collection. If we want something, we have to work for it ourselves - we can't ask someone to do it for us.
We accept these "inconveniences" as part and parcel of living here. People who want the so-called comforts of an urban environment should not be living here. The Australian Government cannot do a single thing to change these less convenient aspects of rural island life. But in making us dependent on their handouts, and taking away our responsibility for meeting our own needs, they will greatly damage the wonderful spirit of this community.
Time and again, you will hear Norfolkers say:
"Ai guud, thaenk yu." (I am just fine, thank you.)
And they mean it.

If you want to know how good life is here on Norfolk Island, and learn more about our wonderful community spirit, go to my other blogsite at


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