Angels and Eagles

A personal response to the constitutional change being forced on Norfolk Island by Australia. Will we lose far more than we gain?

Friday, May 19, 2006


At the moment the buzz word seems to be "consultation".
IN 1995, the then Shadow Minister for Territories said in the Commonwealth Parliament, referring to Norfolk Island and its people:
"we ought not to presume or assume that any changes that impinge on their constitutional and legal rights ought be imposed without a degree of special consultation"
We are now being told that it is all right for Australia to be doing what it is because extensive consultation is taking place.
I thought I was missing something, so I looked the word "consult" up in the dictionary...I used the big Macquarie dictionary (an Australian dictionary) to be sure I got it right. It said: seek counsel from; ask advice of. 2. to refer to for information. 3. to have regard to (a person's interest,convenience etc.) in making plans. 4. to consider or deliberate; take counsel; confer.
Now quite frankly, I just cannot see that this process is taking place at all. Because to me, definitions 1 and 2 mean that the person you consult is presumed to have the skills, wisdom and knowledge to help you make the right decisions. When you consult a doctor, you listen to him/her. You do not come with your own diagnosis and write your own prescription. And when you genuinely consult with the Norfolk Island people, you listen to them and take their advice, because they know best. Consultations with Grants Commissions, Bureaux of Statistics and Standing Committees are not the same as seeking counsel from us!
Definition 3 is definitely not taking place, however warm and fuzzy the Minister tries to make it sound when he talks about enjoying the same benefits of all "other Australians". When it comes down to it, this is more about Australia's national interest than ours.
As for Definition 4, well, I will agree some of those things are taking place, but we, the people who are being affected, are being left right out of the equation. Canberra is conferring and deliberating with everyone except us. I believe the preparations for the final takeover have been extensive, and have spread through several government departments at all sorts of levels, even in some state and municipal areas. Yes, I know some of this may be "demtul," but let's face it, we on Norfolk Island are being tkept in the dark and told very little.
If Canberra thinks we have a problem - economic, governmental or otherwise - wouldn't it have been better for all the stakeholders to sit down around a round table and confer as equals, and seek solutions that are mutually beneficial?
There is nothing consultative about presenting us with two non-negotiable options, with the details to be announced later after receiving the results of Commissions and Inquiries into whose terms of reference we have had NO INPUT!
As for negotiation and dialogue - two more words bandied around by those who insist that Australia will do the right thing by us - they are also meaningless in this situation. Australia has the upper hand, they set the terms, they choose the questions, and they listen to what fits with their pre-conceived plans, and ignore the rest.
It is not just about consultation either. It is about rights and democracy. We were given self-government. The members of the Australian Government should be treating the members of our government as equals.
It is not good enough to be playing political games as if our government were members of the Minister's Federal Opposition! Nor is it right for him to be bypassing our elected government with open letters and public press releases as if we were constituents of his electorate with whom he needs to curry favour.
Minister - can't we have a fresh start and go about all this in the right and honourable way?
Or do we have to 'cop it sweet'?
(See article in today's Norfolk Islander 20th May 2006 -"FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST LISTEN")


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