Angels and Eagles

A personal response to the constitutional change being forced on Norfolk Island by Australia. Will we lose far more than we gain?

Friday, May 12, 2006


When the subject of Norfolk's future comes up in conversations, I sometimes hear people say:
"Oh well, we will just go back to the way we were before 1979. We managed then and we will be okay."

Having invested a great deal of personal emotional energy into resisting Australia's push, I only wish I could share their confidence or complacency!
That is because it will NOT be as it was before self-government at all. This is a totally new and different situation we face.

Pre-1979, the Administrator acted on the advice of his Advisory Council. Only when he strongly disagreed would a matter be referred to Canberra.
Under proposed changes, Canberra will have all the say in everything except minor domestic matters. It will be government by remote-control.

Pre-1979, Norfolk was governed according to Norfolk laws, designed for Norfolk Island and Norfolk residents.
Under the proposed changes, Norfolk will be governed according to Australian Commonwealth laws for the benefit of Australia and for any Australian citizens who choose to live here.

Pre-1979, the Norfolk Island was able to tender advice on how revenues should be spent. Although there was occasional friction, it was generally accepted that it should be spent on what locals recognised as their real needs.
Under proposed changes, all the big financial decisions will be made by Canberra, and although big money may be spent, it may not necessarily be what we want or need, and much of it will be spent on outside contractors, bureaucrats, middlemen, consultancies etc.

Pre-1979, this was very much the home of the Norfolk Islanders and those people they had welcomed to join them in this community.
Under the proposed changes, there will be no T.E.P's or G.E.P.'s, or "permanent residents" for that matter. There will be no special rights for anyone who feels they have a special relationship with the island, no matter who they are. All jobs, contracts, tenders etc will be up for grabs, available to anyone who holds Australian citizenship.

Pre-1979, our economy, our administration, our governmental processes and our infrastructure were much simpler. There has been an enormous development in our business sector, our infrastructure and our level of services and facilities since that time.
Under the proposed changes, there would be an enormous impact on the complex economic, and administrative systems that we ourselves have developed to meet our special Norfolk needs in this new millennium.

Pre 1979, Norfolk Island could be proud of its separate status, and its unique heritage, culture and value system.
Under the proposed changes, the "Australianisation" process would gather momentum and we will have very few means to resist it (it is hard enough now!)

Make no mistake...these 26 years of self-government have not been a little "detour". There will be no "putting the genie back in the bottle" as someone has said.
This will be an enormous change from anything Norfolk Island has known before, and once it has happened, whether we like it or not, there will be no turning back!


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