I have read and re-read the booklet that Minister Lloyd and his department sent to every resident last week, and I note the range of services provided and the methods of revenue raising used by each level of government in Australia.
We are informed of a wide range of benefits and services available to Australians under Commonwealth Law, in the form of pensions, allowances, subsidies and grants. This includes some forms of assistance that are not currently available under our own local social services regime.
The Minister made some tantalising statements after the last Federal Budget reminding us if what we on Norfolk Island were missing out on...i.e. a share in the great amounts of money that the Commonwealth Government has at its disposal.
But we should not imagine that all this bounty comes from some magic honey/money pot! They do not just print money to enable them to provide all these services and benefits.
No. It has to be paid for - by taxpayers, which will include you and me if they have their way. These things are funded by taxes paid by all except those earning a very small part-time wage. They are paid by everyone running a business, or employing staff. If you buy a car, a new jacket or even a loaf of bread, some of that goes into this magic money pot. If you sell a property, you pay a percentage of any profit you make. Health Services are partly funded by a percentage of what you earn...although it should be pointed out that this will not guarantee you treatment when and where you really need it.
We are told that we may be asked to adopt a Local Government model. Local Government looks after matters such as "sporting grounds, rubbish collection, drains, streets and footpaths, street signs and traffic control, building permits, libraries, pet control etc." All this too has to be paid for, and that is where rates on property and businesses comes in. This is on top of what you pay in your income and business taxes.
Then if Norfolk Island is "allowed" to retain some State functions, you can add in land taxes, payroll taxes, and stamp duties on property transactions.
Now I think you will agree that we enjoy a reasonably good standard of living here on Norfolk Island, as well as a great quality of life. Our isolation presents some difficulties, and many people need to budget carefully and work hard to support their families and provide for their wants and needs...just as people do in Australia. But on the whole, no one could call us a disadvantaged community. In fact, we are very 'blest" - and that is why most of us choose to live here.
Our own government has shown over the years that it can provide for our basic needs, if not all our wants. Our resourcefulness and spirit of enterprise sees us through difficult times, and the strong community spirit provedes a wonderful safety net.
I do not believe we will be materially better off under Australia's system. In many areas, such as health, we could be much worse off. But conservative estimates say that it will cost Australia as much as $65 million to extend those services to us, far more than they will receive back from us in taxes and duties.
Meanwhile, those services provided by our Norfolk Island Government are cost-effective, and easily accessed according to need. We do not pay out massive amounts to consultants, contractors, middlemen and professional bureaucrats. We do not spend millions on advertising (and glossy brochures.) We do not lose millions to those people who rort the social welfare system. Travel allowances to our politicians are on a tight budget and are heavily scrutinised and closely monitored, as is all government spending. What you get in your paypacket is your own...no one has been to it before you for their percentage. We do not have to see big grants being made to "airy fairy" projects and causes, or aid that is poorly targeted. We do not have to witness the massive waste generated by
big government.
The booklet says the Australian Government is considering "what precise services and responsibilities should be taken back (from the Norfolk Island Government.)"
Please Minister, let them continue to provide them for all for us in the personal, efficient way that is apprpriate for Norfolk Island and Norfolkers.