Angels and Eagles

A personal response to the constitutional change being forced on Norfolk Island by Australia. Will we lose far more than we gain?

Monday, June 05, 2006


The economic rationalists in the Territories Department are at it again. They have just put out a tender for someone to do an Economic Impact Assessment of the proposed governance arrangements for Norfolk Island.
In view of the fact that the tender was only published on 30th May, and the closing date for lodgement of tenders is 26th June, one wonders if this tender process will just be another "formality" to give the process an appearance of transparency and independence. Do they already have someone lined up to do this study?
The fact is that no inquiry is independent .... it will always serve the interests of those who set the terms of reference. I wonder - did our own government have the opportunity to give input to these terms of reference?
Now many of us are very concerned about the economic impact of the proposed changes. Blind Freddy can tell you it will be very bad for business, our competitiveness and our tourist industry among other things. We will have no problem in presenting a barrage of concerns to whoever conducts this assessment.
But there are three very disturbing aspects of this tender call.
1. Canberra's mind is still made up, whatever the results of this inquiry. I quote from the tender document:
"Where the extension of Commonwealth laws is likely to have a significant negative impact on the Norfolk Island economy, the consultant should provide options to alleviate these impacts, including possible transition arrangements."
In other words, if we do not like the medicine, they will give us a spoonful of sugar to go with it, but we still have to take it.
Please Canberra, we do not want or need your medicine. We would far rather see an open-ended inquiry, the sort of inquiry you should have had before you made up your minds!!!
2.The timeframe for delivery of this tender is 29th September. That is a mere 3 months after the closing date for lodgement of tenders. It would appear that the bureaucratic timetable is set in concrete, whatever concerns and opposition to their plans may arise. This does not suggest genuine consultation and negotiation.
3.This whole business has all been about economics.
I have news for Canberra....there are other things in life that sustain and nurture us....things like national pride and heritage, family and relationships, way of life and rootedness, and most important - our democratic and historic rights!.
Would Canberra have the courage to explore the social impact of these changes on a very special community?
You can read the tender advertisement at

Perhaps some of us on Norfolk Island could get together and submit a tender to carry out this assessment?
Or would it be seen as biased?
I suppose it is too much to expect that the real stakeholders in this whole issue should be allowed to have a genuine voice and involvement.


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